General Settings
This page explains how to manage general settings within Tohru AIO.
Last updated
This page explains how to manage general settings within Tohru AIO.
Last updated
The success webhook allows you to send all successful checkouts to discord. Not familiar with webhooks? You can find more information here. To set it up, simply paste the webhook link in the field titled "Success Webhook". You can use the test button to send an example webhook to make sure everything works properly. Remember to click the save button after making these changes so that the bot will actually save your settings.
The error webhook functions exactly the same as the success webhook, but it is used to send logs of errors instead of successful checkouts. You can use the same webhook as you do for success, or a different one, the choice is totally yours. You can also use the test button next to the "Error Webhook" field to test it, just like the success webhook.
AYCD Autosolve is a third-party captcha service you can use in combination with Tohru to make captcha management easier. To use AYCD with Tohru you will need an API key and access token. If you need help finding those, take a look at the AYCD website. Once those are pasted into the settings page, all that is left to do is click the "AYCD Autosolve (On/Off)" button. Please note this must be turned on in order for AYCD to work properly. *You may also need to change additional settings for each module in order to use AYCD. Please see the respective pages in this section for more information*
You can use other third-party solvers besides AYCD to improve captcha management. Alongside AYCD, we also support 2Captcha and CapMonster. To use these services, simply paste the API key provided via the service into Tohru, and save your changes. *You may also need to change additional settings for each module in order to use these services. Please see the respective pages in this section for more information*
This setting allows you to adjust the amount of time Tohru will wait between visual updates. This allows you to decrease UI lag when running Tohru. UI delay is measured in milliseconds, so the value 1000 would represent 1 second. We recommend starting around 1000ms, and increasing/decreasing the value based on your system's performance.