Amazon - No Longer Supported
This page details how to setup and run our new Amazon module in Tohru.
Last updated
This page details how to setup and run our new Amazon module in Tohru.
Last updated
Our new Amazon module allows you to target a much wider variety of products than ever before with Tohru. This section of our guide will walk you through the process of creating and running Amazon tasks.
This is where you select which Amazon account you wish to use for the task. You can either select a group of accounts, or an individual account. Please note that the address and billing information stored on the account will be used during the checkout process, and needs to be set up ahead of time. If you do not have any Amazon accounts added to Tohru, you can learn how to do that here.
The ASIN is how Tohru identifies which product you want to run for. You can find the ASIN for a product in its URL. For example, this product's ASIN is B09JQTQZJQ, which you can find located in the link.
When using serverside monitoring with Tohru, you can also use tags instead of an ASIN to monitor multiple products. Please note that you can only use one tag per task. Currently, we support these tags:
All (everything in this list)
Consoles (PS5 disk and digital)
GPU (all GPUs)
If you want to know what each of the tags is monitoring for, check our discord for more information.
This field allows you to set the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a product. This protects you from paying more than expected for a product, as there can be multiple sellers selling the same product on Amazon for different prices. It is recommended that you always set this to avoid accidentally purchasing overpriced products.
This is a way to further filter what products you want Tohru to purchase. This is used along with the ASIN to not only identify the product you want to purchase but also the particular seller you want to purchase it from. This is only necessary when using in-bot monitoring, as we take care of this for you when using serverside monitoring.
This designates what list of proxies your task will use to monitor for and check out products. If you do not want to use a proxy and wish to use your local connection, simply select local.
This allows you to select which type of monitoring you want your tasks to use. In-bot monitoring uses your task proxies to monitor for products. Server Side utilizes our custom server-based monitors so that you don't have to use your resources to monitor. It is highly recommended that if something is on our monitor list (located in our discord server), you use Server Side monitoring. If you want to run for something we don't monitor for, you must use in-bot monitoring. Want to suggest something we should add to our server side monitor? Fill out the form here.
This is where you indicate how many tasks you want to create. When creating tasks with individual profiles, it will create QTY tasks per profile selected. When using a profile group, it will create as many tasks specified in QTY, and rotate profiles into the tasks accordingly.
Use this to adjust how many items you want to add to cart. Please note that not all items allow for more than one to be purchased in a single order, so check first before attempting to cart more than one at a time.
If you see a browser window appear when running an Amazon task there is no need to be alarmed, Tohru is simply signing into the Amazon account specified, it will close on its own once it has successfully signed in.
As mentioned earlier, Tohru will use the shipping and billing information tied to your Amazon account to make purchases. Before running tasks double check that you have this information in your account, and that the information is correct.
If you are having trouble with anything please open a ticket in discord so we can assist you.