Task Groups
This page describes task groups and how they help you organize tasks within Tohru AIO.
Last updated
This page describes task groups and how they help you organize tasks within Tohru AIO.
Last updated
The default task group is automatically created by Tohru. You can use this group to create and organize tasks, or make your own groups, as explained below.
To get started, select the store you would like to make tasks for and fill out the task create task dialogue.
See more on task creation here.
To create a task group click the "+" button next to the Default Task Group
A pop-up will appear where you can choose what kind of task group you would like to create.
The pop-up will allow you to chose what module you would like to create the task group for. The options are: Any, Supreme, Shopify, Footsite, Finishline, Yeezy/Adidas, Mesh, and Nike. The "Any" option will allow you to create any type of tasks while the "Supreme" option will allow you to only make Supreme tasks for that group, etc.
There are many advantages to creating a module-specific task group. Some being, when you create a module-specific task group the bot UI displays much more module-specific information about the created tasks. The Default Task Group and the "Any" Task Group display the same information.
The same tasks in the Default Group/Any Task Group
Every module displays its own unique UI information.
We are working on implementing the following features:
Renaming task groups
Rearranging task groups
Duplicating task groups