In-bot Dashboard
The Tohru in-bot dashboard is a great way to see a summary of your success while using Tohru AIO.
Last updated
The Tohru in-bot dashboard is a great way to see a summary of your success while using Tohru AIO.
Last updated
Select a date range (weekly, monthly, yearly, all time) to view your personal stats
Recent checkouts breakdown per product and size
Checkout breakdown per module
View subscription expiry
Visit the web-dashboard
Overall spending and checkout statistics
Click the "Web Dashboard" button to visit the web dashboard.
Select a timeframe for your checkout and spending statistics. You can choose between week, month, year, and all.
This displays the date on which your current Tohru subscription expires.
Your recent checkouts are initially broken down by product type. You can click each product to see a breakdown by size as well. The breakdown is displayed in a bar graph, in which each bar represents a size.
To log out of your account, click your profile picture in the bottom left of the UI.