This page explains how to utilize the proxy tab within the captcha manager
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This page explains how to utilize the proxy tab within the captcha manager
Last updated
The proxy tab within our captcha manager is where you will add and manage proxies to be used by your captcha solvers. The information below will discuss how to add proxies, test them, and use them with your harvesters.
In order to add proxies to your captcha manager, simply click the green "+" located at the bottom right of the interface. Once you click it, a pop-up will appear.
Once you have pasted your proxies into the pop-up, click save to add them to the captcha manager.
To test your proxies, simply select the proxies you wish to test, and click the "Test Proxies" button located near the bottom left of the interface. Tohru will then make a request to Google's website and display the time it took to make the request in milliseconds. Any speed that appears in green falls into the best category by which we rate proxy speeds, speeds displayed in yellow are acceptable but not optimal, and anything in red is considered to be slow. Please note that just because a proxy appears in red, it does not mean it is bad, it's just slow. Any proxies that show "Failed" or "Timeout" have either encountered an error when requesting the site or took too long to respond. These proxies are bad and should be removed from your list. You can do this automatically by clicking the "Clear Bad Proxies" button located bottom right.
If you want to add proxies to your captcha solvers, there are two ways to do so. You can either select individual tasks and input specific proxies, or mass edit tasks and use proxy lists to add proxies. Examples of both are shown below.